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Casal de Verano Do Yang Sal Martial Arts

by Do Yang Sal Martial Arts - Pallars

Age 6 Years - 13 Years

Dates 25/06/2024 - 26/07/2024

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Artes marciales

Time 09:00 - 17:00

About camp

For several years, our camps have been a reference, both for the parents of our students and for those who did not belong to the centers. Everyone returns and recommends us. The secret: Have the best instructors and give the little ones what they need, fun, training and a lot of companionship. Although we do many sports activities and various workshops and crafts, the focus is on martial arts and the values they bring. Notes: • 5% discount for siblings
About the organiser: Do Yang Sal Martial Arts - Pallars
Somos un equipo de profesionales en artes marciales dedicados 100% a la docencia y a la formación. Nuestros estudiantes, lo más importante para nosotros, forman esta gran comunidad. ¡Queremos que formes parte de algo grande!
Location Icon Get directions for C. de Pallars, 240, 08005 Barcelona
C. de Pallars, 240, 08005 Barcelona