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Casal de verano : Amigurumis (ganchillo) y animación stop motion

by Punto Pelota

Age 15 Years - 18 Years

Dates 01/07/2024 - 05/07/2024
08/07/2024 - 12/07/2024
15/07/2024 - 19/07/2024

Languages Castellano - Catalán - Inglés - Francés

Categories Arte y manualidades - Multiactividad - Teatro y cine

Time 10:00 - 14:00

Price 185 €

About camp

Stop motion animation with crochet amigurumis for teenagers (from 15 years old).

Intermediate level: basic knowledge of crochet is needed, how to do single crochet and preferably increase and decrease, but it is not essential.

In this workshop you will learn to crochet in a circle with the magic loop, to make the perfect circle, the perfect sphere and the derived shapes that will serve as a basis for creating unique and endearing characters.

We will look at the logic behind creating volumes so you can give free rein to your imagination.

We will create a character playing with different shapes and you will also discover a lot of tips and secrets to make your amigurumis look perfect.

Once the amigurumis made, we will create a story by making all the characters in the group interact and we will make a frame by frame animation (stop motion).

You will learn the fundamentals of stop motion animation, how to divide the story into scenes and how to think about the frames to create dynamism.

The video will be finished editing after the workshop and you will have the finished video approximately 2 weeks after the end of the course.

This casal is for you if you like to tell stories and want to bring your crochet creations to life by taking them to stardom!

About the organiser: Punto Pelota
Somos un espacio especializado en creatividad tejeril, desde el bordado hasta el punto, pasando por el ganchillo, el macramé y mucho más. Tenemos tienda y ofrecemos clases y talleres para personas de todas las edades.
Location Icon Get directions for Punto Pelota
Carrer de Berga, 16, 08012 Barcelona, Spain