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Casal de Verano Little Makers

by Little Makers 4.9 (63)

Age 5 Years - 10 Years

Dates 17/07/2023 - 09/09/2023

Languages Castellano - Inglés

Categories Arte y manualidades


Price 165 € - 235 €

About camp

This camp is for kids from P5 to 3rd grade who like to explore, create and get dirty, if your little one enjoys playing freely, creating, building, painting, sewing, making collages, hammering, modeling with clay, doing experiments and discovering new shapes to express yourself through art, then this is your place. Every week we explore many process art activities in our atelier where the focus is the process and not the result to train them to think creatively and explore without fear of making mistakes. Here they will never get bored because they will be constantly "hands on" and will move freely. During the day we also enjoy the fresh air in the park and activities of movement and play, we are always with a proposal, but if your little one is one of those who needs to run a lot, jump and expend a lot of energy, keep in mind that we will be in an art studio for kids most of the time, there are thousands of possibilities here but running and climbing are not on the list. Ages: 5 years old to 10 years old. We are all together in the same space and we split up for certain activities.
About the organiser: Little Makers
"¡Estamos felices de criar niños creativos! Little Makers ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado con un enfoque en el desarrollo de la creatividad de los niños, inspirado en la filosofía educativa de Reggio Emilia y otros proyectos educativos y artísticos contemporáneos, nuestro Atelier ofrece un espacio enriquecedor para expresar, experimentar, crear, jugar y divertirse. "
Location Icon Get directions for Calle de Sant Salvador 117, 08024 Barcelona
Calle de Sant Salvador 117, 08024 Barcelona