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Casal de Samana Santa - Marsupialis

by Marsupialis

Age 4 Years - 13 Years

Dates 03/04/2022 - 07/04/2022

Languages Otro

Categories Tecnología y robótica


About camp

Robotics, music, theater, drawing, comics, sports… A tailor-made at home activity! A theme party with friends, siblings or classmates! This camp is offered in your own home with outside activities incorporated into our plan. Marsupialis offers you to organize a camp at home, with other boys and girls, friends, relatives or classmates of your children. Make agreements with other parents so that your children enjoy a lot of activities with friends while you work. An expert monitor will develop daily programs full of recreational, training and educational activities around a thematic axis, in the morning or full-time. This proximity center format seeks to ensure two purposes: the maintenance of close environments, both physical and social (family, bubble group), and the use of everyday spaces as environments for discovery and enjoyment. Notes: • Times are flexible and can be adapted to your schedule
About the organiser: Marsupialis
Som mares i pares com tu, que fem equilibris per mirar d’harmonitzar les nostres vides amb les de les nostres filles i fills. I per a que ens surtin els comptes necessitem un cop de mà: l’ajuda d’algú que pugui tenir cura, acompanyar, aprendre i compartir amb ells i elles quan nosaltres no podem ser-hi. Una germana gran? Un nou membre de la família? Un monitor.