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Casal Año Nuevo Little Makers

by Little Makers 4.9 (63)

Age 5 Years - 9 Years

Dates 27/12/2022 - 30/12/2022
02/01/2022 - 06/01/2022

Languages Castellano - Inglés

Categories Arte y manualidades


About camp

The house is for kids who like to explore, create and get dirty. Every week we explore many process art, tinkering and STEAM activities in our atelier that will lead you to experiment and think creatively. During the day we enjoyed the outdoors on the terrace of Mama Canguro (in our same building) and movement and game activities. As always, we will take all the measures so that this coexistence is very safe for everyone and we will indicate in advance what the child needs to bring. We will have few children to be able to accompany and take care of them. Ratio 1 adult: 6 children We will be in a spacious, new and beautiful space, specially prepared for our activities Professionals of education and art in charge of the kids. As a mother, I know that children need adults prepared to accompany them Discounts: To apply for discounts for siblings, several weeks or group of friends, write to hello@clubmylittlevangogh.com as these payments are made via bank transfer and not through the web. Notes: • Food is not included in the price. We do however include water, fruits and healthy snacks all day.
About the organiser: Little Makers
"¡Estamos felices de criar niños creativos! Little Makers ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado con un enfoque en el desarrollo de la creatividad de los niños, inspirado en la filosofía educativa de Reggio Emilia y otros proyectos educativos y artísticos contemporáneos, nuestro Atelier ofrece un espacio enriquecedor para expresar, experimentar, crear, jugar y divertirse. "
Location Icon Get directions for Calle de Sant Salvador 117, 08024 Barcelona
Calle de Sant Salvador 117, 08024 Barcelona