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Campus Nadal Club Gimnastica Sant Cugat

by Club Gimnastica Sant Cugat

Age 4 Years - 12 Years

Dates 27/12/2022 - 30/12/2022
02/01/2022 - 06/01/2022

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Baile y acrobacia


About camp

Christmas is the time to meet the family and spend a lot of time playing and eating nougat and sweets, but you can also have a great time if you come to campus. You will find new friends, fun and will also do rhythmic gymnastics and group aesthetic gymnastics training: warm-up, waves, swings, body movements, handling equipment and choreography. Notes: • 5% discount for a large or single parent family • 10% discount if you have siblings in the club!
About the organiser: Club Gimnastica Sant Cugat
Club de referència a Sant Cugat. Oferim Gimnàstica per a tots i totes. La nostra filosofia concep l’esport com a eina en la transmissió de valors
Location Icon Get directions for Rambla Jaume Sàbat, 5, 08173 Sant Cugat, Barcelona
Rambla Jaume Sàbat, 5, 08173 Sant Cugat, Barcelona