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Campus Intermedio

by Hípica Can Caldés

Age 6 Years - 14 Years

Dates 03/04/2022 - 07/04/2022

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Naturaleza


About camp

Aimed at boys and girls from 6 years to 14 years, who already have practice in the sport (trot with ease). Notes: • 5% discount for 2nd sibling • Lunch included in short and full day
About the organiser: Hípica Can Caldés
Can Caldés somos un club deportivo y social que abraza las diferentes expresiones que integran el mundo del caballo, tanto a nivel amateur como profesional. Nuestro objetivo es acercar el apasionante mundo del caballo y la naturaleza a todas las familias, porque amamos los caballos y formamos jinetes.
Location Icon Get directions for Av. Corts Catalanes, s/n, 08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
Av. Corts Catalanes, s/n, 08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona