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Business Challenge, ¡resuelve un reto en 4 días con una Aceites Albert en EDEM!

by EDEM Escuela de Empresarios

Age 12 Years - 16 Years

Dates 02/09/2024 - 06/09/2024

Languages Castellano

Categories Multiactividad - Tecnología y robótica - Otros

Time 09:30 - 17:30

Price 240 €

About camp

Four days to solve a business challenge launched by Choví. Do you accept the challenge? Will you be one of the winning teams? Only the brave need apply! ✌️

Form a team and solve the Choví challenge with the help of Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability tools.

Format: Face-to-face

Duration: 4 days

Dates: from 2-5 April

Schedule: 9:30am to 5:30pm.

Price: 240€ (meals for the 4 days and a Fun Jump activity are included)

💫 Who can participate?

Pre-university students. Students from 1st to 4th ESO who want to take advantage of the school break to develop new skills and meet new people.

👉 You can bring a friend!

You know the saying that "friends are the family you choose"? We love it, so we're inviting you to bring your friends to share the experience with you.

📝 What will you learn during these four days?

You will follow 7 stages:

1) Empathise: This stage means putting yourself in other people's shoes! It requires you to use your imagination to understand others' feelings and needs. In this stage, we listen and observe people to learn about their problems and desires.

2) Define: Here, we try to better understand what the exact problem is that we're trying to solve. It's like writing a map that guides us to the solution. We clearly define what we want to achieve.

3) Ideate: Time to get creative! At this stage, we think of many different ideas to solve the problem. It's like a whirlwind of ideas. The more ideas we have, the better.

4) Prototype: Imagine we are building a model of a house before we build the real house. We create small versions or drawings of our idea to test and refine before building the final product. This helps us find problems before they become big problems.

5) Test: We take our idea out into the real world to see how it works. We ask people if they like it and if it's useful. If we find problems, we fix them and test again.

6) Implement: Finally, when we're sure our idea works well, we build it for real and put it to use - it's like taking it out into the real world for everyone to use!

7) Evaluate and Improve: This means that we don't stop here. We're always on the lookout to make our idea even better. We listen to the company's feedback and make changes according to their suggestions to find the best solution! So, Design Thinking is like a creative journey where we listen, think, test and iterate until we have a great solution to the problem. Have fun being a designer of ideas!

🛠️ Graphic Design Workshop:

You will learn how to create stunning images and graphics using computers and special software. We will teach you design techniques and how to combine colours, typography and composition to make amazing designs. You will be able to unleash your creativity and develop useful skills in the digital world.

🗣️ Communication Workshop:

This workshop is like an academy for speaking and listening skills! You will learn how to express yourself clearly and effectively, how to communicate your ideas convincingly and how to listen actively to others. We will teach you speaking techniques, how to structure a speech and how to use body language to convey confidence.

🔊 Social Networking Workshop:

This workshop is like a guide to navigate the digital world. We know that social media is already a part of your life, now let's learn how to use it in business! In this workshop we will teach you how to use social media safely and responsibly while learning strategies for campaigning and presenting your idea.

✌️ Teamwork:

You will have a free time class so you can advance your project as a team and move freely towards the final product!

🧭 Field trip:

We have a very special visit that we can't reveal yet... Stay tuned!

⚡ Don't miss out! ⚡

About the organiser: EDEM Escuela de Empresarios
Somos un centro universitario y escuela de negocios ubicado en la Marina de Valencia que cuenta con una línea exclusiva para los jóvenes preuniversitarios (ESO-FP-BACHILLER) que quieran vivir una experiencia universitaria real antes de tomar una de las decisiones más importantes: su futuro académico. Nos especializamos en la formación del talento del mañana en áreas de actualidad como son la empresa, la tecnología y el emprendimiento.
Location Icon Get directions for EDEM, Escuela de Empresarios
Plaça de L'aigua, Poblados Marítimos, 46024 Valencia, Spain
240 €