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Birthday Parties Mamá Canguro

by Mamá Canguro 5 (22)

Age 1 Years - 8 Years

Languages Catalán - Castellano - Inglés

Categories Espacios para fiestas

Time -

Price 60 € - 360 €

About event

Something more special than your birthday party? At Mama Kangaroo we offer you different options and spaces where you can celebrate your special day. You have the option of enjoying the Las Casitas de MC game space, exclusively or shared. In addition, for those families who love the outdoors, we have a fantastic roof terrace of more than 120m2 along with a loft with a bathroom and games. Rental Options: Option 1: Rent Only -4 hour rental -Maximum capacity 50 people (between children and adults). -Local with tables and chairs. -Families can bring their food and drink. -Schedule: Monday to Friday morning € 60 Monday to Thursday afternoon € 100. Friday, Saturday and Sunday € 140. Option 2: Rental with Cake and Decoration -4 hours of party for 20 children -Local with tables and chairs. -Themed decoration and costumes. Birthday cake for 20 children (you can choose the flavor of the cake). -Families can bring their food and drink. -Schedule: Monday to Friday morning € 120 Monday to Thursday afternoon € 160. Friday, Saturday and Sunday € 200. Each additional child pays € 6 Option 3: Kangaroo Mommy Party -4 hours of party for 20 children -Local with tables and chairs. -Themed decoration and costumes. Birthday cake for 20 children (you can choose the flavor of the cake). -Themed piñata -Catering for 20 children: -Snack and drink for children -Eco fruit -Eco juice -Water -Sweet / salty sandwich -Cheese lollipops -Frankfurt skewer with puff pastry -Schedule: Monday to Friday morning € 280. Monday to Thursday afternoon € 320. Friday, Saturday and Sunday € 360. Each additional child pays € 8
About the organiser: Mamá Canguro
Mamá Canguro es una alternativa a las guarderías infantiles y a las madres de día para los niños/as de 4 meses a 3 años. Ofrecemos un espacio cálido y acogedor donde el ritmo diario se adapta a las necesidades de cada uno de los niños/as, ofreciendo así una atención personalizada de 3 a 5 niños por educadora. El respeto por la etapa y el desarrollo evolutivo de cada infante hace que cada niño/a y sus familias se sientan cómodos y seguros en un ambiente donde cada momento del día tiene mucho valor. Los vínculos, la familiaridad y el afecto que rodea la casa de Mamá Canguro nos hacen especial
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Sant Salvador nº 117, 08024, Barcelona
Carrer de Sant Salvador nº 117, 08024, Barcelona