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Birthday Parties Can Sala

by Can Sala 4.1 (1454)

Age 1 Years - 12 Years

Languages Catalán - Castellano - Inglés

Categories Espacios para fiestas

Time -

Price 15.75 € - 25 €

About event

Discover an original and different way to celebrate your birthday. Come with your friends and enjoy an unforgettable day surrounded by nature and by animals that you can see, touch and pamper. You can choose: BASIC PARTY: 15.75€ each child -Entrance to the zoo Riding a pony and going for a stroll in a carriage Touch-touch -FOOD Two snacks per child Pica – Pica (salted olives, potatoes and cookies) Juice or water Cake TOP PARTY: 18.75€ each child -Basic Party + -1h activity with instructor: we will explain you curiosities, you will feet the animals and you will enter to touch the little ones! Weekends: Birthday morning: from 10:30 am to 1 pm Birthday afternoon: from 4:30 pm to 7 p.m. (summer) / from 4 pm to 6:30 pm (winter). During the week: Birthday afternoon: from 4:30 pm to 7 pm (summer) / from 4 pm to 6:30 pm (winter). Children’s meal: Two sandwiches per child (1 Nocilla and 1 cold meat), snacks (crackers, olives and chips), juices or water and cake. Extra services: -Instructor service: Price: 25 € for every 12 children. The youngest ones like this service we offer to you so much. An instructor takes the children to visit the whole farm, he tells them the animals’ funniest secrets, which they can feed. they feed them, and they can enter the Toca-Toca to pamper the bunnies. Duration: 1 hour. -Candy bar -Personalized cake -Thematic anniversary And more!
About the organiser: Can Sala
Explorar nuestra granja siempre es una sorpresa y una experiencia diferente. Porque la naturaleza siempre es viva y cambiante, y el contacto con ella mejora la salud, la capacidad de atención, la autonomía, la seguridad y la adquisición de valores. Así pues, tenéis la opción de venir y visitar la granja por la mañana o también quedaros a comer y pasar todo un día con nosotros.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Mariana Pineda, 1, 08170, Montornès del Vallès, Barcelona
Carrer de Mariana Pineda, 1, 08170, Montornès del Vallès, Barcelona