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BIG Improv Summer Camp

by Barcelona Improv Group 5 (272)

Age 8 Years - 16 Years

Dates 26/06/2022 - 30/06/2022
03/07/2022 - 07/07/2022
10/07/2022 - 14/07/2022
17/07/2022 - 21/07/2022
24/07/2022 - 28/07/2022
31/07/2022 - 04/08/2022
07/08/2022 - 11/08/2022
14/08/2022 - 18/08/2022
21/08/2022 - 25/08/2022
28/08/2022 - 01/09/2022

Languages Inglés

Categories Teatro y cine


Price 150 € - 220 €

About camp

Feel confident, be creative, work in a team, and, most importantly, have an absolute blast at our BIG Improv Summer Camp! Each week has a new theme and is packed-full with theatre & improv games making your own characters, worlds and stories with plenty of laughs and discoveries along the way. Sign up to as many weeks as you like, each one is unique! Every Friday afternoon will feature a showcase performance, including improv, self-devised scenes, song, & dance. WEEKLY THEMES Week 1: In the Jungle (Kids), Parallel Universe (Teens) Week 2: Space Adventure (Kids), At the Movies (Teens) Week 3: Prehistoric Party (Kids), Inside My Head (Teens) Week 4: Virtual Reality (Kids), Sporting Champions (Teens) MORNINGS: 9:00am - 1:00pm Each morning is divided into 3 sessions of improv games, self-devised sketches and scenes, and singing & dancing, with a break for morning snack. Improv: This is an Improv summer camp, so making things up on the spot will form the basis of our mornings. We’ll be playing hilarious short-form improv games and working on the skills of agreement, teamwork, creative thinking, and having a blast while we do it. Theatre & Sketch: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we’ll be using our improv skills to create our own scenes and sketches around the weekly theme. We’ll be working in small groups to develop and perform our own material at the end of each week. Song & Dance: Every Tuesday and Thursday, we’ll be learning improvising techniques to make songs and dances, and devising our own musical comedy scenes. LUNCH TIME: 1:00pm - 2:30pm Lunch & break. For all who need it, we can organise healthy and balanced lunch catering from a local restaurant at an extra fee. Any allergies or intolerances should be Students can bring their own lunch from home, and we’ll all enjoy our lunch in the nearby part where we can relax, enjoy some sunshine, and play. AFTERNOONS: 2:30pm - 5:00pm In the afternoons we’ll be doing craft activities, games, costume and set design and creation, to use in the final performance each week. Once a week we’ll watch a theatre to screen adaptation, and finish the day with storytelling and working on our individual performances. FRIDAY SHOWCASE: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Every Friday we will showcase what we have been working on during the week. If students are enrolled only in the morning classes, we ask that they stay back on Fridays to participate in the showcase.
About the organiser: Barcelona Improv Group
Teatro Improvisado y Comedia: Espectáculos, Clases, Capacitación y Desarrollo
Location Icon Get directions for C/ dels Carders, 12, Principal, Barcelona, Spain
C/ dels Carders, 12, Principal, Barcelona, Spain