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BFIS Creativity Camp 2024

by Benjamin Franklin International School 4.2 (80)

Age 4 Years - 9 Years

Dates 25/06/2024 - 29/06/2024
01/07/2024 - 05/07/2024
08/07/2024 - 12/07/2024

Languages Inglés

Categories Arte y manualidades

Time 09:00 - 16:00

Price 300 € - 380 €

About camp

Please join us for the BFIS Creativity Camp in partnership with Little Makers! 

BFIS and Little Makers will offer a creativity and experiential learning program through art and sensorial activities. Creativity is a skill that develops by exploring, experiencing, feeling and having the freedom to express yourself in a safe and trusting environment. Creativity camp will provide workshops through open and self-directed stations, which invite children to explore, create and get dirty with unusual materials, and "loose parts". Each station allows the child to explore a different material and activity, to explore and learn to express ideas in a variety of ways through loads of fun! Once a week we have Water Day, so children can cool off, play in the summer sun, and continue to explore their creativity with water activities throughout the day. 

Please join us for the BFIS Creativity Camp in partnership with Little Makers! 

BFIS and Little Makers will offer a creativity and experiential learning program through art and sensorial activities. Creativity is a skill that develops by exploring, experiencing, feeling and having the freedom to express yourself in a safe and trusting environment. Creativity camp will provide workshops through open and self-directed stations, which invite children to explore, create and get dirty with unusual materials, and "loose parts". Each station allows the child to explore a different material and activity, to explore and learn to express ideas in a variety of ways through loads of fun! Every Wednesday is Water Day, so children can cool off, play in the summer sun, and continue to explore their creativity with water activities throughout the day. 

To register, copy and paste this link into your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGW2-o8aSwiF_OKzyQtrJ9X4cHLVvXVi1QXLRWJ350WZPgrA/viewform

About the organiser: Benjamin Franklin International School
BFIS es una escuela verdaderamente estadounidense-internacional en Barcelona, con un desglose de aproximadamente un tercio entre familias estadounidenses, internacionales y españolas. Nuestro diverso y comprometido alumnado, cuerpo docente y comunidad de padres es el corazón y el alma de nuestra escuela.
Location Icon Get directions for Martorell i Peña, 9, 08017 Barcelona
Martorell i Peña, 9, 08017 Barcelona
From 300 € per week