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Ballet III

by Studio 13 Danza

Age 10 Years - 14 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán - Inglés

Categories Baile y acrobacia

Time Lunes 16:00 - 20:00 Martes 16:00 - 20:00 Miércoles 16:00 - 20:00 Jueves 16:00 - 20:00

About class

Ballet, or classical dance, although it has Italian origin, developed in France, and more recently, in Russia. It is a stylized stage dance whose movements are based on the absolute control of the body. In ballet each step is codified and the whole body is used in a simultaneous conjunction of muscular and mental dynamics, the result of which is reflected in the harmony of movements. Ballet technique is complex, yet the payoff is wonderful. Notes: • €60 registration fee
About the organiser: Studio 13 Danza
Si eres bailarín/a, quieres serlo o simplemente te gusta bailar y divertirte... ¡Te esperamos en STUDIO 13 DANZA! Diferentes disciplinas y edades. ¡Somos tu escuela!
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Carrer de Mandri 13, 08022 Barcelona