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Arty Party

by Little Makers 4.9 (63)

Age 1 Years - 13 Years

Languages Inglés - Castellano

Categories Espacios para fiestas

Time -

Price 10 € - 450 €

About event

The coolest and most creative party! Celebrate your birthday in an art studio where there is no fear of dirtying anything, there are many materials available to create, everything is prepared especially for you and at the end you do not have to clean the paint that will be everywhere, it is a dream come true. Our parties are for cool families, who like to explore, create and get dirty with the children, we will help you make everything perfect but without forgetting that you are the protagonists of this day. Of course, if the little ones are not "so little" then you can talk for a while and we get down to work with the artists. An anniversary to explore, create and get dirty! Our Atelier is a great place to celebrate, everything will be prepared to enjoy a workshop designed especially for you. If you have a theme in mind we can inspire all our proposals to the theme or character that your little one likes, this makes a very top combination! At our parties we paint, play, knead, build, mix, play with lights, make slime. The options are endless. Everything will be adapted to the age and interests of the little artists. What do we include in our Arty Party? -1 Educator will take care of your party -We will design perfect activities for all your guests -Exclusive use of our Atelier. Everything will be ready when you arrive -All materials and tools to create and play. -They will take home their works in a cute My Little van Gogh bag -Digital invitation for your guests -Don't worry about the mess, we clean! Options: -Arty party Enjoy a very creative birthday party in our Atelier. Workshop of 60 minutes to enjoy to the fullest and 60 minutes for the cake and gifts. Ideal for the little ones (under 4 years old) 2 hours Price: Up to 12 children 250 euros Up to 20 children 350 euros Extra baby 10 euros -Arty Party plus + Enjoy a 90-minute workshop and then get ready to go upstairs to play, share and peck for 90 more minutes in Mamá Kanguro's playroom (or on the terrace). 3 hours Price: -Up to 12 children 350 euros -Up to 20 children 450 euros -Extra child 10 euros
About the organiser: Little Makers
"¡Estamos felices de criar niños creativos! Little Makers ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado con un enfoque en el desarrollo de la creatividad de los niños, inspirado en la filosofía educativa de Reggio Emilia y otros proyectos educativos y artísticos contemporáneos, nuestro Atelier ofrece un espacio enriquecedor para expresar, experimentar, crear, jugar y divertirse. "
Location Icon Get directions for Calle de Sant Salvador 117, 08024 Barcelona
Calle de Sant Salvador 117, 08024 Barcelona