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Aeris de Circ 10-16 Shakespeare & Friends

by Shakespeare & Friends

Age 10 Years - 16 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Baile y acrobacia

Time Martes 17:30 - 18:30

About class

The acrobatic fabrics and the trapeze are a circus discipline included in aerial dance that consists of a series of movements and figures, performed at a certain height. Els aeris (acrobatic fabrics and trapeze) are a physical and artistic activity that, thanks to its technique, offers a wide range of expressive possibilities while toning and exercising the body. The acrobatic fabrics and the trapeze are included within the aerial dance and consist of a series of movements and figures, performed at a certain height. Notes: • €40 registration fee before June 30 after the €50 registration fee
About the organiser: Shakespeare & Friends
Aquest estiu farem una versió en català del famós musical Oliver de Lionel Bart, basat en la novel·la de Charles Dickens d’Oliver Twist.